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Our Projects

GREAN Palestine continuously supports a number of grassroots projects in attaining their goals through channeling resources and volunteers.  In addition, we implement a few projects every year in cooperation with our partners on the ground, addressing crises that we believe to be particularly important. 

Rebuild Gaza Sustainably

Gaza was utterly decimated in 2014 by Israel's bombing campaign.  Over 2200 people died and over 20 000 homes were destroyed, leaving more than 100 000 people homeless. 


Gaza has been under siege since 2006, with the borders remaining almost completely closed.  This has impacted almost every aspect of life for the people who live there, as infrastructure crumbles and cannot be maintained, as fuel supplies run low and as the water and electricity systems fail.  The siege also makes it almost impossible to repair the buildings that have been damaged and destroyed by Israeli bombing. 


With our partners, we are developing a project to support people in rebuilding their homes using sustainable techniques with materials that are readily available: empowering people in Gaza to recover some of what they have lost and building a support network internationally. 



Palestinians to the IPCC 2015


The IPCC is the international Permaculture Conference and Convergence.  It will take place in London in October 2015, and is an incredible opportunity for learning and networking. 


Permaculture is a comprehensive design system for sustainable living and food production that has particular relevence in Palestine, due to the oppressive circumstances of the occupation, which prevents people from accessing vital resources such as water, electricity and building materials; and due to the threat from climate change which threatens the viability of existing agricultural systems.


We would like to raise enough money for 4 Palestinian activists to attend the convergence and share their experiences with an international audience.  To find out more about Permaculture and the Convergence, visit the UK Permaculture Association website:

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